Terms And Information:

My name is Everett Wright, I'm the one doin' this website.

Here are some shoddily put together legalities;

Usually on this site the "worst" you may see is some "bad language" or blood/gore, or in some cases, both. Maybe some nudity. At any time I may throw in things that are much "worse" without any warning. Eventually, you will most likely come across something that offends you. It is your responsibility to leave now if you think reading this site will offend you and you're not okay with it. Despite that; nothing on this site is supposed to be offensive, defamatory, slanderous or trade libelous; threatening or harassing; discriminatory based on anything at all or hateful, regardless of what's on the pages you will see. Nothing is serious on this site, except for any terms page you may come across. Any site hosted by Evvieco is the responsibility of it's creator(s) and no one else, unless stated otherwise. Any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Anything you do with my comics/site is purely your own responsibility. Discretion is advised. Evvieco reserves the right to change these terms at any time. All changes will be effective at the time they are posted. Your continued use of Evvieco will constitute your acceptance of any modifications made. By visiting or using any page on Evvieco or Evvieco's hosting, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions at all times and to any changes made to these terms thereafter. Evvieco is an adult oriented website, thus Users under the age of (18) should steer clear of it. Especially if their parents will try to get me in trouble. Take note once again that these terms apply to everything hosted by Evvieco.

Pretty much just don't be a big baby.

This site is a webcomic for the most part. Another part is that it's an experiment. The experiment is to see how good I can get at making these comics and at art/writing/coding etc by the time I feel like stopping. I started the site in 2000 with no talent or knowledge of these things. The site also sometimes acts as hosting for other sites that wish to be hosted by Evvieco for cheap or free. For instance Life's Manifestations and Psychonauts. All that is asked of the site is that a link is given back to Evvieco, if there is an appropriate spot to do so.

As for using content from my sites for something of your own, I don't care. So long as you credit me for it. A link to me would be nice as well. If the piece is made by some other author you will probably need their direct permission to use it.

If you want to link to me, go ahead. If you ever want me to link to you in exchange, send me your site and I'll probably link you back.

As for the Evvieco store. Please realize that this is run by very few people and not a full fledged business operation. Evvieco can not guarantee your orders will arrive in perfect condition as we obviously don't control the postal system (but they're usually fine). Evvieco will guarantee that all products are in prime condition before they are packaged and mailed and that we will do everything we possibly can to get you what you paid for as quickly as possible. Also we can promise that we will never ever make anything we know is shitty and sell it to you. We only want you to have nice things.

is the place to send your greetings, questions and comments to.